Selasa, 24 Februari 2009


RGB stands for Red-Green-Blue, the three basic colors which made the universal standard colors (primary colors). With RGB basis, we can change the color to the code numbers so that the color will appear universal. CMYK is a printing industry standard at this time. Stands for Cyan? Magenta - Yellow, and K represent the color black. CMYK is the standard color-based pigment-based, conform with industry standard printing. Until now, the print-to print the 4 basic colors to create any color.

Method RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

This method is used to color phosphorescent color or color screen in the form of light which emanated. Color is almost similar to the basic theory of color, but use the color green as the color yellow. Colors produced with other combinations of 3 colors, namely Red, Green, and Blue.
In the text-based programming, eg xBase (dBase / Foxpro / Clipper), RGB color is defined with very simple basic commands with the SET COLOR TO warnaRGB. Example:
SET COLOR TO R: generate any posts red
SET COLOR TO W / B: produce any posts at the top of the white background Blue

Programming in xBase, color code used is:
R = Red (Red)
G = Green (Green)
B = Blue (Blue)
W = White (White)
N = None (no color or black)

If you want to make the color more light (bright), can be added the '+', eg, R + (red light) and the '*' will result in a blinking effect.

In the programming GUI, the RGB has a wider spectrum than the era of text-based. Some tools to use with the RGB value of 0 s / d 255. There is also use value hexadecimal value of 00 to the FF.

Consider the following examples:
- RGB (255,0,0) will produce a red color perfect
- RGB (255.0255) will produce violet color (in RGB, but will be more close to pink)
- RGB (0,50,0) will produce dark green color

In hexadecimal, the determination of how the same color, ie red with RGB (FF, 00.00), blue with RGB (00.00, FF).

Giving the maximum RGB value, the RGB (255255255) or RGB (FF, FF, FF) will produce white. Instead of a minimum value of RGB (0,0,0) will produce the color black. To produce the color gray (Gray), enough to give the same value on the elements of R, G, and B. If the value is smaller then the result will be dark gray and the larger value will produce a gray color that the light. Ex: RGB (20,20,20) the dark gray and RGB (200200200) will produce a gray color is brighter.

In the context of RGB color or light, it actually can be considered to not have the color black. Black is the color without light, so the RGB value is zero.

RGB (255,0,0):
RGB (0,255,0):
RGB (0,0,255):
RGB (100,0,0):
RGB (0,100,0):
RGB (0,0,100):

RGB Triplet
Hexadecimal Triplet


# 000000


# 0000FF

# 00FF00

# FF0000

# 0000FF


# DB7093

Method CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
CMYK color is the color of pigment based on color (pigment) which is generally used in printing technology. Unlike the RGB color of ignoring black, the colors in CMYK ignore white (because the color white is considered the color field of printing / paper). If you check the ink color printer, then you will see the 4 ink colors Cyan (blue-greenness), Magenta (such as pink, but older), Yellow (Yellow) and Black (Black). In CMYK color, the color black with disimbulkan K, not B. perhaps, because the symbol B has been in common use for Blue in RGB. If the value of all CMYK made 0 (zero), then there is the color white. Conversely, if the color CMY mixed on the maximum value, which creates the color is gray approaching black. This allows the printer to a color that does not have to keep a black cartridge can produce black color. In some cases, the results of mixing colors in the CMYK model, which has a variation less than that obtained with the RGB. However, the RGB can be seen approaching the concept of basic colors with little difference in yellow and green. However, if you want to get a color print of the same color on the monitor (what you see is what you get), it should first change the image mode to CMYK, of course, if the software supports.
CMYK colors:

Basically the printer and monitor are two different devices, even the basis for any different color management, monitor using RGB mode (as well as the human eye-red), while printers use the CMYK. Which one to use the process rasterisasi level gradasinya shorter one using the reflection gradasinya longer. Try to see in Photoshop or Corel color palette where the RGB gradation level 255 are CMYK only 100 gradation levels, in short no color detail that can not be disimulasikan by the printer (device-based CMYK). One way to overcome the differences in the color conversion from RGB to CMYK is the 'calibration'. The process of color calibration is the process of matching colors to all the image processing device (image) using a similar criterion. Arrange for it in that color on the monitor as a color range that only the most high-color display that can produce by the printer. So later when we will print the result will be 'similar' as we tough in the monitor.

Easily process, of course, use the facilities provided by the applications that we use. For example adobe gamma provided by Photoshop which will monitor the appropriate choice of our calibration. Although the calibration has been fixed if we only work with RGB mode in Photoshop and other applications, of course, there are certain colors that will not be able to print this is known by the term "out of gamut" in the detection can be opened with the color picker and palette-men check the color in the image with eyedroper tool, there will be a sign of the triangle with the exclamation marks color will not be printed, and if you click the triangle marks the color choices will change and display the color that will be used to print. So it is clear that to find out the results of each image in photoshop and use in other applications need in conversions to CMYK before printing. If you feel that the color is less interesting, you can adjust them prior to the image BASED still in RGB mode (remember some filters in photoshop can only run in the RGB mode!) Now we return to the question why the core of prints in percetakkan down? Once again the process of calibration is the process you have to do calibration on your machine is not in the separation especially in the engine offset percetakkan. So of course the color down the risk is very large even if you are using a Macintosh! To overcome this you need to know the colors that can generate by percetakkan, usually a good percetakkan will be happy to give you an example to the printed form of the color gradation in the percentage of books in CMYK mode. Use this example as a guide to mengkalibrasi computer and printer at home / office so you can make a test print before going to the printing. If you think the control is less strong, you can ask for proof of results printing (with cost) to see the color accuracy. Once again remember the many variables that are not in control such as a proof tool that uses technology continus tone (dye sublimation / thermal printer) clearly different from the printing machine that uses Raster half tone! Now the issue back to the medium, other than the color mode in which paper media use also determine. As an example of the inkjet print on paper HVS usual sure-usual in the ordinary course appeal to the specific media such as photo paper or glossy paper. Why? Because the absorption power of paper and ink purity material base paper (pulp) set of prints. With the usual paper-pore and large pore material base that is not pure white (or yellow tend gray) will absorb ink and paper to create the basic color is gray rather than glossy paper / art paper that is capable of holding the ink materials are materials segmen Basically, the more white will provide more brilliant color display. The paper was dove is intended to make the display more colors with a soft barrier layer does not use ink as art paper, for it to be a certain color or shape prominent use varnish / coating (known in printing with UV varnish / coating). The use of it's up to you. Tip: To ensure each device (monitor, scanner, printer) using the same color mode use only one driver ICM (Image Color Matching) you can see it in control panel if you use windows. If the device you are famous enough to provide their driver CD in the ICM at the time of purchase. To ensure the accuracy of the calibration run at least once a month and always ask for examples of print percetakkan as printed materials will be cracked over time

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